COVISART showed first serial produced

New Generation Simulator NGS-360-3 on


COVISART delivered New Generation Simulator to Azerbaijan Ministry of Digital Development and Transport.

We have completed the delivery of the New Generation NGS-360-3 simulator to the Azerbaijan Ministry of Digital Development and Transport.

The simulator will be open to the public during the TEKNOFEST Azerbaijan festival for 4 days. It will be handed over to Azerbaijan National Aviation Academy at the end of the festival.

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COVISART, Yeni Nesil Simülatörü Azerbaycan Dijital Kalkınma ve Ulaştırma Bakanlığı'na teslim etti.

Azerbaycan Dijital Kalkınma ve Ulaştırma Bakanlığına Yeni Nesil NGS-360-3 simülatör teslimini tamamladık.

Simülatör 4 gün boyunca Teknofest Azerbaycan festivalinde halkın kullanımına açık olacak. Festival sonunda Azerbaycan Milli Havacılık Akademisine teslim edilecek.

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